Extreme weather call for secure new energy networks

During last few years, A lot of countries and regions have experienced multiple “historic” weather events. Tornados, storms, Forest fire, thunderstorms, and extremely heavy rain or snow flattening crops, disrupting utilities and cause many deaths and casualties, the financial loss is beyond measure.


Zurich, 12 (AFP) – The total economic cost of natural and man-made disasters in the first half of 2021 was estimated at us $77 billion, Swiss Re said.  That’s down from $114bn at the same phase of last year, but the effects of climate change are increasing temperatures, sea levels, rainfall instability, and extreme weather, mentioned by Martin Bertogg, director of the Swiss Disaster Department for reprotection.

From heatwaves to snow disasters, these challenges highlight the urgent need for strong and well-planned policies and investments to improve the security of our electricity systems.

As “historic” weather events become more commonplace, both businesses and homeowners need to do a lot of preparations, which all will rely on the upgrade of the electricity network and the improvement of electricity network security. To ensuring electricity security, long-term plan and investments in electricity networks are the most important method. Following a small decrease in 2019, global power investment is set to fall to its lowest level in over a decade in 2020, and the investment today is far below the levels needed for security, more electrified energy systems, particularly in emerging and developing economies. Economic recovery plans from the COVID-19 crisis offer clear opportunities for economies that have the resources to invest in enhancing grid infrastructure, but much greater international efforts are required to mobilize and channel the necessary spending in emerging and developing economies.

And the most important move right now is to strengthen international cooperation on electricity security, Electricity underpins vital services and basic needs, such as health systems, water supplies, and other energy industries. Maintaining a secure electricity supply is thus of critical importance. The costs of doing nothing in the face of growing climate threats are becoming abundantly clear.

As the major busbar processing machine supplier in China, our company cooperates with many partners all over the globe. In order to do our bit to strengthen international cooperation on electricity security, our engineers worked day and night for two months to find solutions for our partner, please focus on our next report:

Project Poland,  special designed for urgent need.

Post time: Aug-30-2021